Sunday, July 21, 2024
HomeMarket TrendsHow to Ensure Health & Safety in Shopping Centers?

How to Ensure Health & Safety in Shopping Centers?

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As the COVID 19 government restrictions are slowly loosening across southeast Europe, shopping centers are reopening their doors.

The health and safety of visitors remain a high priority for shopping center managers worldwide. Here we will take a look at how Kragujevac Plaza in Serbia is implementing necessary prevention procedures and what they are recommending to their shoppers.


Kragujevac Plaza, a shopping center in the Serbian city Kragujevac owned by developer Nepi Rockcastle, reopened to visitors on the 8th of May, as the Government of Serbia relaxed its social distancing measures.

All retail stores and services of food outlets, restaurants, and cafes, have reopened but the cinema still remains closed for the time being due to the government ban on gatherings in Serbia.


The mall has heavily invested in taking necessary precautions to allow visitors to enjoy
a safe shopping experience:

• All surfaces are disinfected inside the center several times a day.

• The center is constantly refreshed with clean air.

• The mall has installed dispensers with hand sanitizers at the entrances of the mall, in the food court area, and in high traffic areas.

• Daily use of disinfectants has been increased in high traffic areas: toilets, escalators, seating areas, elevators, as well as in restaurants and cafe areas

• Social welfare stickers have been installed to remind visitors to respect required distancing.

• Nanoseptic sanitary tapes were placed for safe contact surfaces, especially where there is
an increased risk for contamination.

• Only groups of up to 3 people may access the mall. Upon arrival, one person at a time may enter the mall.


• Maintain a social distance of at least 2 m from people around you.

• During your stay in a shopping center, be sure to cover your nose and mouth with a mask! Do not touch your mouth, nose, or eyes.

• Avoid contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections and avoid crowds where you are exposed to direct contact and/or interaction with a large number of people.

• Wash and disinfect your hands often and use hand sanitizer dispensers that you can find in the mall.

• When coughing and sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or handkerchief.

• Follow the rules of conduct in stores and wait for your turn to buy.

• Use the card payment option when making a purchase.


Kragujevac Plaza is carefully monitoring the situation and will timely inform the public about news of any changes. All the information will be available on the website of the Kragujevac Plaza Shopping Center, as well as on their social media networks.

But most importantly we all need to stay up to date with the latest information from the World Health Organization and the local and state healthcare institutions, in order to work together to combat the spread of the virus.

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