Saturday, July 20, 2024

Retail SEE Group: Digital PR Services

Welcome to Retail SEE Group, where we specialize in elevating your Digital PR efforts and helping your business stand out in the global real estate and retail market.

Harnessing the Power of Digital PR: Unlocking Success in the Digital Age

In today’s digital age, it is crucial to promote your business effectively through various online channels, including your website, LinkedIn, email newsletters, international business news sites, and magazines. However, crafting compelling and well-structured press releases and articles in English, optimized for online search, can be a challenging task.

Key challenges that businesses face when it comes to Digital PR

1. Crafting Compelling Content:

Creating compelling press releases and articles that capture the attention of your target audience is a key challenge. It requires expertise in storytelling, understanding the audience’s interests, and delivering information in an engaging and persuasive manner. Writing content that stands out and resonates with readers can be time-consuming and requires a thorough understanding of effective PR strategies.

2. Optimization for Online Search:

In order to maximize visibility and reach, it’s essential to optimize press releases and articles for online search. This involves incorporating relevant keywords and following search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. However, navigating SEO techniques while maintaining the quality and readability of the content can be complex and requires a good understanding of both PR and digital marketing.

3. Targeted Distribution:

Ensuring that your PR content reaches the right audience is crucial for its success. Identifying and connecting with industry professionals, influencers, and journalists who can amplify your message requires strategic planning and relationship-building. It can be challenging to identify the most relevant distribution channels and engage with the right contacts to maximize exposure.

How Retail SEE Group can help: 

At Retail SEE Group we bring over 10 years of experience in promoting real estate and retail companies online. Our expertise lies in creating professional, SEO-optimised, and newsworthy press releases, articles, copywriting materials, and interviews in English, precisely tailored to resonate with your target audience. We also specialize in distributing your PR campaigns efficiently, ensuring maximum exposure and impact.

Our Distribution Channels


We leverage our established website and email newsletter, which collectively reach thousands of retailers and real estate professionals worldwide. By featuring your press releases and articles on our platform, we enable direct access to your target audience, increasing visibility and engagement.

2. LinkedIn:

Our team is proficient in running LinkedIn Sponsored Campaigns that allow us to share your press releases with industry-specific professionals on LinkedIn. Leveraging precise targeting parameters such as industry, job title, location, and other demographics, we ensure that your PR content reaches the right individuals, enhancing its impact and engagement.

3. International Business and Real Estate Websites/Magazines:

We possess strong connections with renowned international business and real estate websites and magazines. With our extensive network, we can engage in correspondence with their editors and journalists, securing optimal exposure for your PR campaigns. Moreover, we diligently track the results of each placement, providing you with comprehensive exposure reports.

Benefits to Your Company

By collaborating with us, your company stands to gain numerous benefits that will set you apart from your competitors within the region:

1. Enhanced Market Positioning:

Our high-quality PR materials will position you as a market leader within the international business community. This elevated visibility will enable you to establish strong brand recognition and reputation, differentiating you from competitors.

2. Expanded Reach:

Through our distribution channels, your press releases and articles will reach a wide and diverse audience, including international, retailers, property managers, developers, investors, real estate service providers, and other industry-related professionals. This increased exposure will facilitate easier engagement with potential customers and business partners from around the world.

3. Expertise and Experience:

With our 10-year track record in promoting real estate and retail companies online, we bring industry-specific knowledge and insights to the table. Our team of PR professionals will utilize their expertise to create compelling content that resonates with your target audience and achieves your business objectives.

Our Clients 

For over 10 years, we have been promoting leading shopping centers and real estate companies in Southeast Europe. Here are just a few examples of the companies we work with: Ada Mall (GTC), Stadion Shopping Centar, Stop Shop (Immofinanz) UŠĆE Shopping Centar, Beo Shopping Centar, Delta City, NEST Retail Parks, Mall of Split, Porto Montenegro, Joker Shopping Centar, Shop Park, Sofia Ring Mall, BBI Centar, Galerija Shopping Mall Kosovo, Tirana East Gate, Skopje City Mall and many others.

Retail SEE Group Clients
Just a few companies we worked with since 2012

A Tailored PR Service

We understand that our clients may have diverse needs beyond the distribution channels we provide. At Retail See Group, we offer our PR services not only for our own platforms but also for your own websites, other platforms, company presentations and marketing materials.

We have the expertise to deliver tailored solutions that align with your specific goals and target audience. Our team works closely with you to understand your brand identity and messaging, ensuring that our content effectively represents your company and captures the attention of your desired audience.

Contact Us

With our comprehensive services, including content creation, targeted distribution, and extensive industry connections, we are confident in our ability to help you achieve your PR goals and stand out within the global market.

We look forward to discussing how we can tailor our services to meet your specific requirements. Please feel free to reach out to us at your convenience to explore this opportunity further.

Contact us at:

Nevena Kostic


At Retail SEE Group, we are dedicated to empowering your Digital PR efforts towards the international real estate and retail business community. We look forward to discussing how we can tailor our services to meet your specific requirements.